Thursday, February 12, 2009

Working on the chain gang...

Hey, all. It's been several weeks so I thought I'd share an update. I FINALLY got a contract!!! I start on the 23rd and will be working through mid-August (or until I get a full-time job). AT LEAST I no longer have to rely on unemployment and can pay off some of the eve increasing debts I have due to lack of employment and my roommate situation. I'll be a Mortgage Closer for one of the banks here and it's something. That's me, Jackie of all trades and Master of none :).

I've also been fighting that nasty cough I've had since October. It took a a turn for the worse this past weekend and I wound up with severe bronchitis; tis the season, just like clockwork! I will say, though, that I LOVE my doctor!!!! I've been a patient of his since we moved here over 20 years ago. He's one of a dying breed! He gave me some heavy duty antibiotics and an inhaler and after 3 days I'm already at 80%. The only side affect is that my hands 'tremble' a bit all day long and I'm having a very difficult time painting, but that should pass after all of the meds are gone next week. It's a small thing to tolerate when you can barely breathe, so I'm dealing. (I do wonder if people think I have a drug problem though when I'm in public - lol)

As for my relationships - that's the challenge it's always been. I'm disappointed in some, plesently suprized by one and all together perplexed by another. When you're dealing with your 'opposites', it's always a challenge. You see the human side in some you didn't expect and you see the blindness and lack of care in others. Of course, this is my life and nto EVERYTHING can be perfect all of the time, it's either one or the other. So, I guess right now it's the 'personal life' that gets thrown off course for a while. As long as it's not non-existant, I'm not complaining :).

I've been working on writing down my experience/thoughts from 3 years ago. It was a time in my life where I was the absolute lowest and only thought there was one way out. I wrote the preface the other night, to which I've received no feedback on as of yet (which doesn't surprize me, it was rather intense). I'm only sharing with VERY few right now; those who I litterally trust with my life. I'm really not too sure what I'm going to do with it when I'm finished getting it all out. There I was, wide awake at 3am and it was just running over and over in my head. I want to use the experience to help others minus the religious mumbo-jumbo. I find too many use religion as a crutch when times are bad and failed to look within themselves for their strength. It's not an anti-God piece AT ALL, it's more about spirituality and faith in self. I just want people to know that it's possible.

Well, that's about it. I'll catch everyone up later when new thigns develop :)

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