Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It's OFFICIAL! I FINALLY have a NEW JOB! It pays MUCH better than the mediocre one I've had at Jared the past 10 mths and I will hopefully FINALLY be able to get caught up on the overdue bills due to the ungodly increase from the new roommate; my electric was $380 last month!!! It was ONLY $192 the same time last year!..... THREE HUNDRED AND F'ING EIGHTY! I have been home less, it's been a warmer winter and I only used 3 instead of 5 space heaters this year. How the HECK it went up almost $200 is insane!!! Of course, the roomie tried to put it back on me because I would leave the heaters on at night (umm, did last year too). It could be the extra electrical units plugged in or PERHAPS the 3-4 "small" loads of laundry done every week when his kids visit for 2 nights.... ya think? OK - I've vented a little. Now just need to get out of the $300 O/D this has put me in... *Sigh*

The new job starts on Monday and I can't WAIT to get started. My brain will be able to function again, I'll have actual work to do and I'll be more financially secure. I may actually be able to travel this year, too! Of course, my 20-yr reunion is in August, so that one is pretty much nailed down (darn, I still have A LOT of planning to still do for it). Let's see, what else.... the puppy is still driving me nuts; he turns 1 next month. My nephew turns 11 in 2 weeks (OMG!). Strawberry Hills is coming up and we almost have a full car load. And once I get my job started and the timing worked out, I'll FINALLY be able to go to the gym on a regular basis (those closing shifts KILLED me)! Oh, and I have ALL of this bloody yard work to do! It sucks undertaking the whole thing solo, but no one else will do it so you rely on numero uno (as dad would say).

I'm off to bed now. Three more days in retail-hell and then a have a whole weekend to rest (though Day and Dennis wil be over for Ostara/Ester Dinner on Sunday). G'night all! Sweet dreams and many blessings (and continue to please say prayers for Dorathy)....

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